Korean Trends Part 5. Shoes and Accessories

Happy New Year to everyone!

2015 has really flown by and I thought I should share another trend post before the year has really ended :(  Can't believe this is going to be my last post in 2015!! There is still time to hit the sales before the year ends! I have bought shoes and a bag from Gmarket a couple of times and I absolutely adore all of them and keep wearing them all the time! Korean shoes and accessories appeal to me more than stuff that you can get in the UK....The style is just different and they are often quite cheap and good quality. 


It has become a habit of mine to buy most of my shoes from Korea...They are just so cheap! Some people would probably think that since they are so cheap they are not very good quality and I have to admit that I agree to some extent. I have bought a pair of shoes that did not end up being very good quality but all the other pairs I have purchased have been a very good quality and value!


I have bought a pair of wedge sneakers and they are absolutely amazing! You cannot find shoes like that from where I live! Wedge sneakers became extremely popular in Korea a long time ago and the popularity hit the West a couple of years ago. The shoes that I keep seeing in the UK are not as extravagant as the Korean ones. I have also bought four pairs of boots and only one pair turned out not to be good in quality. Otherwise I have been very impressed! I have not tried out Korean brand high heels yet but I am eager to try them out as they look always very cute and chic!

One of my favourite shoe brands of all time is actually Korean and it is called Le Bunny Bleu. I bought a pair of Ugg styled boots from there and even though they are a lot cheaper than Uggs they are very high quality and very cute. Follow these links to a European online shop or an American online shop!

I have bought most of my Korean shoes from Gmarket! The shipping can be quite expensive but the shoes are so cheap that you usually end up saving money even with a higher shipping!

If you are worried about Korean shoe sizes that are measured in millimeters instead of centimeters or inches HERE is a chart to give you an image of what you're size is.
I am a size 4 in the UK and size 37 in mainland Europe and I have been buying shoes from Korea in both 240 and 235 and I have to say 235 that it supposed to be my exact Korean shoe size, is slightly too small for me. 240 is ever so slightly too big. Bare this in mind that Korean sizes might actually be a bit smaller than Western sizes.
I could go on about shoes but this post would be extremely long if I would go on :(


Where to start...If you have ever been to Korea and seen all the shops and the amount of accessories you know what I'm talking about :D I'll start with hair accessories...
I always think that Korean put a lot of effort into their hair and I wish I could be like them :( I am waaaay too lazy to do anything with my hair on most days...There are so many cute and elegant hair accessories that you can buy from Korea that will make hair styling easier and effortless!

Jewelry is quite flashy sometimes but it can also be very cute. One of my favourite things are bracelets because there is one for any occasion or to suit ones personal style! I also like earrings and necklaces!


In case you haven't noticed caps have been popular in Korea for years now and everyone seems to be wearing them. I was dying to buy one myself but my friend kept telling me I would look a bit silly in the UK walking around in a cap if it wasn't a sunny day :( I do think they are great fashion pieces and add something to your overall style but I guess they never became popular here in the UK :(

The bunny beanies as I like to call them were also very popular a couple years back and still are! Beanies in general with text and all kinds of accessories are still very popular. 


Ah Korean bags....They're just so so pretty...Unfortunately I have only managed to get my hands on one Korean bag so far but I love 
it to bits! I love the designs and especially the colours that you can get! The quality and value are also very good! I highly recommend to check Korean handbags! 

You might have heard of the popular Korean brand called MCM. All of the Korean celebs and some of the Western celebs too are wearing these backpacks! They cost so much money but I guess they must be worth it if all the celebs are wearing them :D

There are plenty of places to buy Korean accessories like Gmarket which has low product prizes but shipping fees are a bit high depending on your shipping country and on the weight or Yesstyle which has sales very often and sometimes a good deal on shipping fees as well. 

I cannot wait for 2016 to begin and only wish that it is going to be better than 2015 was for me. Hopefully you have as a big of an urge to go shopping all of this stuff as I do now....I really want those shoes and bags!!

tv friends happy new year new year new years eve


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