My Current Top 5 Korean Brand BB Creams

Hello lovely readers!

I think we all have had our fair share of bb creams by now and know which ones we like and which ones we don't...I tried out my first bb cream in 2010. I have never tried a Western brand bb breams because I keep hearing bad things about them...Anyway I'm here to share my favourite K-brand BB creams! 

1. Etude House Precious Mineral Original & Moist Any Cushions:

At the moment these two are my favourite BB creams! The original one is perfect when my skin isn't dry and the moist one is perfect for autumn and winter. They both give an even and good coverage that isn't too heavy and they last fairly well! Not many bad things to say about them really.

2. HolikaHolika Aqua Petit Jelly BB Cream

I've done many comparison tests on oil control between different bb creams and this always has the best oil control/has the least oil in the formula. It feels very light weight but gives enough coverage and this probably lasts the longest out of most bb creams I've used. The only problem with this is that it can end up looking a bit patchy if you have very dry skin and it can also be hard to blend. Blending has not been a problem for me using a beauty blender or bb cushion puff. 

3. Missha M Perfect Cover BB Cream

This was the first bb cream that I ever purchased! I loved everything about it; the coverage, lasting power, consistency etc. The only downside to it was the grey cast! I sometimes see pics of myself when I was using it and my face does look somewhat greyish! This was awhile back so they might have updated the product...Otherwise it was an excellent bb cream!

4. Skin79 Super Plus Beblesh Balm Triple Functions

Again liked everything about it except the grey cast....It lasted so well on my skin and controlled the oils on my skin as well! This probably also has the best coverage out of the bb creams that I have tried out!

5. Missha M Signature Real Complete BB Cream

This did not have as bad grey tint to it as the perfect cover but I felt that it did not last on my skin as well and that's why it is number 5 on my list. Otherwise I really did like the coverage and the consistency of this bb cream :)

Hope you liked my list of bb creams :)
Have a great day!


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